Chapter Three

Chapter 3


Remus’s biggest fear was his friends finding it out, his big secret. They wouldn’t like him anymore. Once they found out that they had befriended a werewolf. It was only a matter of time before they figured out that when he left it was once a month, on a full moon. Remus tripped on a tree root and stumbled. When he looked up he was face to face (well really face to stomach) with the largest man he had ever seen. A young face looked down at him and smiled, the large man spoke, startling Remus, “Hi there, m’ Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid. Yeh better watch out there, lots of roots, been tryin’ ter get rid of them yeh see.” “oh yeah, I’ll be more careful next time” Remus said hurrying away. As Remus arrived to the hospital wing he heard voices arguing “Where will we put the boy?” a low voice asked “I guess we will just let him roam around in the forbidden forest for tonight, the tunnel to the house in Hogsmeade will be ready by next month but the whomping willow still hasn’t come in. I that told you we should have ordered it from France. Those Italians are just too darn slow.” said a voice that Remus classified as Dumbledore’s.

Remus knocked on the door and walked in to find Dumbledore sitting on one of the beds next to the defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Maxwell Merrythought. When Remus walked in they both jumped up and Professor Merrythought walked quickly out of the room. Dumbledore smiled and walked toward Remus. “Ah, Remus, you will take your meal in here I believe and then Professor  Merrythought will escort you to the forbidden forest  where you will spend the night as a werewolf. By next month the passage through to the house in Hogsmeade will be finished and you will be able to go there for the duration of your transformations, but for now, you will be in the forbidden forest. It should be completely safe as long as no other students are in the forest.” Remus nodded and sat down on the bed. Dumbledore turned to leave but then  smiled and handed Remus a chocolate frog. He then turned and left without another word. Remus began to eat his chocolate frog as he looked at the card inside. It was Cornelius Fudge, the new Minister of Magic. As Remus finished his chocolate frog, worry began to gnaw at him. Although he had transformed many times before, this time was different, he wouldn’t be in the padded room in St. Mungo’s, he would be set free in the forbidden forest.

Before long Madame Pomfrey came in and told him it was time. Professor Merrythought came in and cast a disillusionment charm on both of them. Walking to the forbidden forest was nerve-wracking because all Remus could think about was his transformation. Professor Merrythought stopped all of a sudden and reversed the disillusionment charm. “Well, this is the spot that I am to leave you. Are you alright?” Remus, who could not muster the courage to answer him, just nodded. Professor Merrythought walked away from Remus  as the sun set. About a half of an hour passed before the sky grew dark and Remus’s transformation began.

The warm sun hit Remus’s face as he sat up. He was scratched, sore, and covered in blood from his transformation. There was something different about this blood though, it wasn’t his, terror-struck him as he looked around him, and saw the body of a second year student, barely breathing.

Chapter Two

Chapter 2


Sirius thought for sure he would be in Slytherin. His whole family had been Slytherin for as long as they could trace back. Sirius wanted to be in Gryffndor with the rest of his new friends. James, Remus, and pettigrew seemed so sure about Gryffndor, but his mother would surely blacken his name just like Uncle Jones when he had refused to join the Death Eaters. Voldemort had killed him three days later. Sirius heard his name called by porfessor McGonnagal. Sirius stood on trembling legs and walked toward the Sorting Hat, dreading what was to come. Professor McGonnagal placed the hat on his head, “hmmmm You are a very brave boy….but, a long tradition of Slytherins in your family I see” The Sorting Hat whispered quietly. “Gryffndor Gryffndor Gryffndor” Sirius thought. “Alright then it better be” “Gryffndor” the hat yelled. Sirius didn’t think he could have been smiling more than as he walked torward the cheering Gryffndor table as Burberidge, Charity was sorted into Hufflepuff. Evans, Lily was the next to be sorted into Gryffndor.

Several minutes later Remus walked up to the sorting hat grinning from ear to ear. The hat was barely on his head when it yelled, “Gryffndor.” Sirius cheered as remus sat down next to him and McKinley, Marlene was sorted into Ravenclaw. Several more people were sorted before the boy named Peter Pettigrew joined the Gryffndors. After Piddle, Hannah was declared a Slytherin, James walked cofidently torward the sorting hat and promptly joined the Gryffndor table.

After the sorting ceremony ended Sirius found his way to the first years dormitory that he shared with James, Remus, Peter and a redheaded boy named Aaron. Sirius lay awake that night for several hours thinking about what his mother would say when she found out that he was sorted into Gryffndor. What if she sent him a howler? These questions kept Sirius up until the exhaustion from the day finally set in and he drifted off to sleep.

On the morning of his first classes Sirius was overjoyed to be spending the day with his new friends. He found that James had a knack for quiddich and Remus was a bit of a bookworm. Peter had the misfortune of exploding his potion all over the class. Thankfully professor Slughorn was forgiving and let the class out early so that they could wash up before their next class. In transfiguration Sirius attempted to turn a button into a teacup but only succeded in turning it into a coffe bean.

The next day was a beautiful saturday. The four boys sat on the lawn all morning. At about eleven o’clock an owl flew to Remus and gave him a letter. As Remus read the letter his face paled “My mother has fallen ill” he said “I am going to side-along apparate with Dumbledore to visit her. I will return tomorrow.” And with that, he left.