Chapter Three

Chapter 3


Remus’s biggest fear was his friends finding it out, his big secret. They wouldn’t like him anymore. Once they found out that they had befriended a werewolf. It was only a matter of time before they figured out that when he left it was once a month, on a full moon. Remus tripped on a tree root and stumbled. When he looked up he was face to face (well really face to stomach) with the largest man he had ever seen. A young face looked down at him and smiled, the large man spoke, startling Remus, “Hi there, m’ Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid. Yeh better watch out there, lots of roots, been tryin’ ter get rid of them yeh see.” “oh yeah, I’ll be more careful next time” Remus said hurrying away. As Remus arrived to the hospital wing he heard voices arguing “Where will we put the boy?” a low voice asked “I guess we will just let him roam around in the forbidden forest for tonight, the tunnel to the house in Hogsmeade will be ready by next month but the whomping willow still hasn’t come in. I that told you we should have ordered it from France. Those Italians are just too darn slow.” said a voice that Remus classified as Dumbledore’s.

Remus knocked on the door and walked in to find Dumbledore sitting on one of the beds next to the defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Maxwell Merrythought. When Remus walked in they both jumped up and Professor Merrythought walked quickly out of the room. Dumbledore smiled and walked toward Remus. “Ah, Remus, you will take your meal in here I believe and then Professor  Merrythought will escort you to the forbidden forest  where you will spend the night as a werewolf. By next month the passage through to the house in Hogsmeade will be finished and you will be able to go there for the duration of your transformations, but for now, you will be in the forbidden forest. It should be completely safe as long as no other students are in the forest.” Remus nodded and sat down on the bed. Dumbledore turned to leave but then  smiled and handed Remus a chocolate frog. He then turned and left without another word. Remus began to eat his chocolate frog as he looked at the card inside. It was Cornelius Fudge, the new Minister of Magic. As Remus finished his chocolate frog, worry began to gnaw at him. Although he had transformed many times before, this time was different, he wouldn’t be in the padded room in St. Mungo’s, he would be set free in the forbidden forest.

Before long Madame Pomfrey came in and told him it was time. Professor Merrythought came in and cast a disillusionment charm on both of them. Walking to the forbidden forest was nerve-wracking because all Remus could think about was his transformation. Professor Merrythought stopped all of a sudden and reversed the disillusionment charm. “Well, this is the spot that I am to leave you. Are you alright?” Remus, who could not muster the courage to answer him, just nodded. Professor Merrythought walked away from Remus  as the sun set. About a half of an hour passed before the sky grew dark and Remus’s transformation began.

The warm sun hit Remus’s face as he sat up. He was scratched, sore, and covered in blood from his transformation. There was something different about this blood though, it wasn’t his, terror-struck him as he looked around him, and saw the body of a second year student, barely breathing.

Chapter One

Chapter 1


James Potter woke up to a sharp knocking at his door. He groggily rolled over and looked at his alarm clock (a muggle type of thing that tells you the time.) He suddenly remembered what day it was, August 31st, the Hogwarts express left in just three hours! James’ mother came in holding his school robes. James put the clean robes in his trunk, Just then his mom slipped a galleon into his hand, she told him it was for sweets on the train. Looking forward to his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

James got dressed and went down to the kitchen for breakfast. “All packed for school?” His father asked. “Yep, even got the invisibility cloak” James replied. “Don’t get into any trouble with my cloak, Only use it if you-know-who attacks your school.” Mr. potter said. “Got it” James replied “anything else?” Good luck, make some friends” his father remarked “And not a word to your mother about the invisibility cloak, she thinks it’s still in Gringotts”

Once everyone was loaded in the car They drove to King’s Cross station. James had only been to platform 9 ¾ once before when his family went to the Hogsmeade village on holiday. James casually leaned against the wall between platforms nine and ten and fell into the wizarding world. The platform was full of students about to be sent off to Hogwarts. James bumped into a boy with long, curly black hair. As James turned to apologize, the boy smiled and introduced himself as Sirius. James started to introduce but his mother pulled him away and began grooming his unruly hair. As James climbed aboard the train he saw a pretty girl with red hair and green eyes who smiled at him and resumed talking to a boy with greasy black hair.

James wandered down the train corridor looking for an empty compartment. In the very back of the train he found a boy about his age, sleeping with a briefcase that said L. Lupin. Before the train started moving, Sirius climbed into their compartment with a large backpack full of sweets. The two boys started talking and eating cauldron cakes. Soon enough they were laughing loudly which woke up the sleeping boy woke with a start. He was rather thin and was wearing ratty robes. “Would you be L. Lupin by any chance?” James asked. “No, that’s my dad. Its his old briefcase. I’m Remus.” the boy replied. After James and Sirius had introduced themselves, another boy stumbled into the compartment. “Can I sit with you guys?”

Once everyone had their fill of chocolate frogs the boys began talking about the houses they wanted to be sorted into. “I want to be Gryffndor” remarked James. “Me too, but my whole family has been Slytherin for over 100 generations. We might even be related to Salazar Slytherin.” Sirius said sadly. “I don’t care, I’m just happy Dumbledore let me come.” Remus said excitedly. Peter thought for a moment then said, I think Hufflepuff would be a good house but Gryffndor would be better if you guys were there.” The rest of the train ride passed as the boys talked about what their classes would be like and if they liked quiddich until finally the train began to slow down as they approached the castle. James crossed the lake with a large man named Hagrid and the rest of the first years. As they walked up the steps to the castle James smiled and walked through the doors to the great hall.